Australian Wooden Boat Festival 2023

The Weather Gods smiled on us today for a fine day as we explored the Wooden Boat Festival.
First stop was Salamanca Market for new hats, then we hit the docks for beautiful boats - big and small; new and old; human, wind, and engine powered.
An emu stopped by to ensure our new hats were not reincarnations of their cousin who disappeared in mysterious circumstances... 

A reminder that the local First Nation residents managed maritime adventure without the need for European technology.

Mary wants to buy this boat, given the auspicious name...

... but felt it needed a better tender than Winnie the Tinny. Another auspicious boat name

Personally, I think this would suit better. Beautiful to the point of being boat porn.

Tomorrow will be a dinner cruise on a tall ship, complete with fireworks and a chance to climb the 35m tall mast.

In summary, retirement has started well! 


  1. Wonderful stuff, well done Mary and Maurice! Happy travels, Susie

  2. Thanks for retracing our steps good second time around.our roof almost finished just in time for the next rain....orewa all good. Love you guys stay safe. Stottie.


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